Saturday, August 24, 2013

Guided Meditation: two most beneficial to me

The two meditations I've found most beneficial are the Loving Kindness and Subtle Mind meditations.  I like them because they do a nice job of complimenting each other.  I find any meditation on loving kindness beneficial because you are sending positivity into the universe and that always leaves me feeling grounded.  I like the subtle mind in conjunction with the loving-kindness exercise because it has an introspective focus.  Using both of these meditations helps work towards both a healthy connection with yourself and a healthy connection with the universe.  When you are focusing on both of these you can't help but feel the connection between the two as well and that oneness is simply beautiful and quite peaceful.


  1. Hi Jillian,

    I have struggled with the Loving Kindness exercise as it always brings up hurts from the past that I have already dealt with and let go. I don't see the purpose in revisiting them over and over again. It is not healing for me. I also had trouble focusing that loving kindness toward myself. I don't think I will practice this myself, but am happy that for you that you were able to connect with it in such a meaningful way.

    I did like the Subtle Mind though in that you practice focusing on the breathing which forces all of that "chatter" out of your mind and allows you to have a time of dedicated peace of mind. That is relaxing for me.

  2. Hi Jillian,

    That is wonderful that those exercises were so beneficial to you and find that they compliment each other so well. The loving kindness exercise doesn't work for me, but the Subtle Mind exercise has been my favorite and most beneficial to me so far. Best of luck to you!

