Friday, August 9, 2013

Exercise and Assessment

This week we practiced a loving-kindness exercise and an integral assessment.

I enjoyed the loving-kindness exercise.  I had recently did the loving-kindness guided meditation and felt similar when I finished this exercise to when I did that one.  I did find it harder to remember the phrases though, I think that would take some practice compared to the guided meditation where I just felt like I could put my full focus on what the person was saying.  When it was time for me to wiggle my fingers and toes and open my eyes for both exercises I felt refreshed and connected though. 

For the assessment I chose biological for what is causing me suffering and psycho-spiritual for growth and development.  My biological suffering is joint pain from Lymes disease and I just in general feel like my psycho-spiritual aspect is the most underdeveloped.  I do feel like practicing meditation on a consistent and regular basis would help both areas improve. 


  1. Hi Jillian,

    I had a bit of a tough time with the phrases myself. Found myself having to peak back into the book a few times. One of the reasons I like using it simplifies and makes it a bit more easy and flowing.

    Lyme Disease is tough...I feel for you. Had a bought of Rocky-Mountain Spotted Fever as a child, but it was diagnosed early...but I wonder if I still have issues because of it.

    Anyways...maybe you look into some Ayurvedic protocols for the Lyme Disease -- it might help.


  2. Hi Jillian,
    Sorry that you have to deal with Lyme Disease. I will keep you in my prayers.
    I had a bit of difficulty with both exercises because we had to read them which I think made it easier to get distracted. This must be the reason why it is beneficial to train the mind not to wander and get distracted. It seems that it is always possible to get more in tune with our spiritual side and listen to how the Holy Spirit is leading us. Good luck to you and I hope you find what Liam suggested helpful:) ~Julia

  3. Hello Jullian, the loving-kindness exercise was difficult to remember but a great experience. It does make you feel refreshed when you fully engage in it. I had to do the exercise twice to get the full effect of it. I think that it is the type of exercise that you must practice consistently especially if you want to remember the phases in the exercise.

    I am sorry to hear that you suffer from Lymes disease and I hope that if you continuously engage in mediation it could help with the joint pain that you are experiencing. I suffer from migraines and since I have been engaging in mediation it seems like the pain is reducing every day. This is why I believe that if it is practiced once a day or even twice a day that it will have an effective impact in my life.

    Good Luck to you
